What our clients have to say...

The hypnosis really helped me through labor. I was surprised how relaxed I was during the early and active phase . . . I think I even fell asleep once during the early phase while listening to one of the tapes . . . It was like taking a break for 20 minutes and I could hear people say that I didn't notice several large contractions. This was a very different experience compared to [our first baby’s birth], where I had an epidural. The recovery has been much easier this time around as well. I will recommend your class to all expecting moms that I know. I felt this class really made me let go of fears and made me excited about the birth. I think the format of the class is great, a few classes and lots of practice at home. Thanks! --Kate & Geoff

[The class] helped me to find a place of deep relaxation during labor. I was able to focus on being calm and relaxed using the techniques I learned in class and birthed my first baby in six hours! The affirmation 'birthing is easier than I thought' not only kept me going during labor - it summarizes my amazing experience! -- Shakti and Kevin

The baby, apparently, had been listening every time I imagined labor while in hypnosis. He was in the perfect position with the umbilical cord well out of the way. His heart rate stayed strong, and his Apgar scores were excellent ... Hypnosis helped me remain calm the entire time and make the best decisions possible. And it helped afterwards with the recovery. I was on my feet in no time! -- Becky Roland


The training I had through the Blissborn class was such an amazing help.  The doctors were worried each time I had a contraction since J.'s heart rate would drop drastically and a considerable amount of amniotic fluid would be released.  By using the techniques I learned, I was able to control the contractions so that her heart rate was stable and no amniotic fluid was lost.  During the chaos, I didn't think I would be able to deliver without medication, which was my original plan.  Once I started to use the Blissborn techniques, I knew I would be able to get through it without the drugs and was able to deliver my baby girl all-natural.  I only wish I had practiced more before I was in labor!  Thank you for all that you did for our family! -- Avery & Scott


 The Blissborn program is medically accurate, beautifully designed and professionally written ... and full of vital information for parents. This is the most complete birthing program using hypnosis that I have ever seen. It is a joy to teach and offers the best option for families to experience birth in a gentle and meaningful way. Every mother deserves this training for her own well-being and every baby deserves this calm and loving way to enter the world. -- Barbara Dailey, Doctor of Nursing & Blissborn Educator  

One of the best things Blissborn did for us was help us get into labor. A week overdue, I started using the hypnosis techniques to go into labor and that evening it worked! Going into labor naturally and without induction can make all the difference and I'm so glad I was able to use this technique. Blissborn far exceeded our expectations. For us, this was the best birth class we could have possibly taken. I loved the focus on a positive birth experience. Labor is certainly intense, but is arguably one of the most powerful and amazing things we experience in life. Using Blissborn birth hypnosis, I was so relaxed I didn't even know I was in real labor until I was 5 cm dilated. We went to the hospital and had the baby an hour later! Hypnosis allowed my husband and me to enjoy the birth and not fear it. My labor and delivery was much faster and easier than it was with my first child.  Now I'm using it for relaxation and rest during the early postpartum months! We are calmer, happier parents after using hypnosis for child birth and I think our baby is calmer and happier as a result.  I am 100% confident that learning hypnosis will help us for the rest of our lives. I would highly recommend this class to any expectant parent, whether first time or fourth!" -- Ashley and August Delarue


As a birth doula, I have had a number of clients who have taken Blissborn classes ... From my doula perspective the most valuable thing for pregnant women is gaining the ability to relax deeply and learning to 'go with' the process of labor and birth. Other benefits are the bonding that occurs between partners who go to class and practice together and the fact that personal empowerment is woven into the program from beginning to end. There is no question that my clients, their babies and partners who have taken these classes have benefited a great deal ... the tools and techniques, the CDs and reading materials are all excellent. I highly recommend! -- Robin Younger, Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula 

Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to internal resources that assist people in solving problems, increasing motivation or altering behavior patterns to create a positive change. 
Hypnotherapy is not the practice of medicine, psychology or psychiatry, and is not in any way intended to be a replacement or substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any complaint or ailment. Karla Lightfoot does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment.  No service or product is intended to treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. 
Persons with an ailment or physical complaint are to see their physician first for treatment, and make use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as an adjunct to medical treatment. Persons with mental disabilities or mental illnesses should seek psychiatric care. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy employ and teach skills for self-improvement; therefore their effectiveness depends on the client and no guarantee can be made regarding the results of their use. The contents of this website are for educational purposes only.